What is your greatest concern about starting school this year?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tech Final # 5- WOWs

I think my favorite WOW moment was the whole idea of student-centered project learning. With every technology site, there always seemed to be the concept of the involved student, ways to get students personally invested in the projects in their classroom, in the hopes of getting the students more excited about learning. Until this class, I thought I would be more lecture based than discussion based. Not anymore.

I also didn't know there was so much help out there. It's nice to know there's plenty of blogs with ideas, including those that didn't work. I love all the sights that help you create quizzes and games. Time management was also a concern of mine. Now, not as much of a concern anymore.

I've also discovered a host of knowledge about classroom management. (not classroom discipline) Classroom management, I believe, is truly the key to great classes and actual learning.

This class had opened doors that textbooks cannot open for me. The support I've found and will continue to be able to access is invaluable.

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